26 March 2013

Day #85: So Many Tiny Windows

And this is only half of the building...so many more tiny windows you can't see...

21 March 2013

20 March 2013

Day #79: Puppet or Hotel

This is a boutique hotel on E. 87th Street (Upper East Side to you non-NYers).  Caught a glimpse of this schnazzy sign on my way to a delicious French dinner last night.  Oui

19 March 2013

17 March 2013

Day #76: It's Falling So Fast

It's not snowing again today, but I still wanted to post this pic so you could see how much and how fast it was snowing yesterday. Right around where I took this pic, I went and bought myself the best hot chocolate in the world and then walked to the farmer's market enjoying all those pretty flakes falling around me (and on me!). I like being out and about in the snow...it's  just so dang magical.

09 March 2013

Day #68: Snowy and Sunny

This pic I really did take today!
You can see the snowy remnants on Roosevelt Island soon to be melted away from the gorgeous sunny day. 

08 March 2013

Day #67: Reach for the Sky

This was one fantastic looking sky.
But it was definitely not today's sky as it was a snowy slushy gray NY day today.

06 March 2013

Day #65: Face to Face

The School of Visual Arts.
They always have cool art hanging up for all to see.

04 March 2013

Day #63: Day Sixty-Tree

Yes, some of the trees in Manhattan still have lights on them, and don't they look pretty?  I hope they never take them down.  This was taken on my walk home from the train a couple nights ago.